Module Timing.Default


val start : Goblint_timing__.Goblint_timing_intf.options -> unit

Start timing with options.

val stop : unit -> unit

Stop timing, but don't reset timing information.

val reset : unit -> unit

Reset timing information.


val enter : ?args:(string * Catapult.Tracing.arg) list -> string -> unit

enter name enters a new nested timed section called name.

  • parameter args

    custom data for TEF

val exit : string -> unit

exit name exits the current timed section called name. Sections must be exited in valid nested fashion.

val wrap : ?args:(string * Catapult.Tracing.arg) list -> string -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b

wrap name f x runs f x and measures it as a timed section called name.

  • parameter args

    custom data for TEF


val print : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit

Pretty-print current timing hierarchy.

val root : Goblint_timing__.Goblint_timing_intf.tree

Root node of timing tree. Must not be mutated!