Module SetDomain

Set domains.

module Pretty = GoblintCil.Pretty
exception Unsupported of string
val unsupported : string -> 'a
module type S = sig ... end

A set domain must support all the standard library set operations. They have been copied instead of included since our empty has a different signature.

module type Elements = sig ... end

Subsignature of S, which is sufficient for Print.

module Print (E : Printable.S) (S : Elements with type elt = E.t) : sig ... end

Reusable output definitions for sets.

module Make (Base : Printable.S) : S with type elt = Base.t and type t = BatSet.Make(Base).t

A functor for creating a simple set domain, there is no top element, and * calling top () will raise an exception

A functor for creating a path sensitive set domain, that joins the base * analysis whenever the user elements coincide. Just as above there is no top * element, and calling top () will raise an exception

module type ToppedSetNames = sig ... end

Auxiliary signature for naming the top element

module LiftTop (S : S) (N : ToppedSetNames) : S with type elt = S.elt and type t = [ `Top | `Lifted of S.t ]
module ToppedSet (Base : Printable.S) (N : ToppedSetNames) : S with type elt = Base.t and type t = [ `Top | `Lifted of Make(Base).t ]

Functor for creating artificially topped set domains.

module HeadlessSet (Base : Printable.S) : sig ... end
module Reverse (Base : S) : sig ... end

Reverses lattice order of a set domain while keeping the set operations same.

module type FiniteSetElem = sig ... end
module FiniteSet (E : FiniteSetElem) : sig ... end
module Joined (E : Lattice.S) : S with type elt = E.t

Set abstracted by a single (joined) element.