Module Offset_intf

type 'i t = [
  1. | `NoOffset

    No offset. Marks the end of offset list.

  2. | `Field of CilType.Fieldinfo.t * 'i t

    Offset starting with a struct field.

  3. | `Index of 'i * 'i t

    Offset starting with an array index.

val equal : 'i. ('i -> 'i -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool) -> 'i t -> 'i t -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val compare : 'i. ('i -> 'i -> -> 'i t -> 'i t ->
val hash : ('i -> int) -> 'i t -> int
type 'i offs = 'i t

Outer alias to allow referring to t in inner signatures.

val equal_offs : 'i. ('i -> 'i -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool) -> 'i offs -> 'i offs -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val compare_offs : 'i. ('i -> 'i -> -> 'i offs -> 'i offs ->
val hash_offs : ('i -> int) -> 'i offs -> int
module Index : sig ... end
exception Type_of_error of GoblintCil.typ * string
module type Printable = sig ... end
module type Lattice = sig ... end
module type Offset = sig ... end