Module MessageCategory

type array_oob =
  1. | PastEnd
  2. | BeforeStart
  3. | Unknown
val equal_array_oob : array_oob -> array_oob -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val compare_array_oob : array_oob -> array_oob ->
val hash_array_oob : array_oob -> int
type undefined_behavior =
  1. | ArrayOutOfBounds of array_oob
  2. | NullPointerDereference
  3. | UseAfterFree
  4. | MemoryOutOfBoundsAccess
  5. | DoubleFree
  6. | InvalidMemoryDeallocation
  7. | MemoryLeak
  8. | Uninitialized
  9. | DoubleLocking
  10. | Other
val equal_undefined_behavior : undefined_behavior -> undefined_behavior -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val compare_undefined_behavior : undefined_behavior -> undefined_behavior ->
val hash_undefined_behavior : undefined_behavior -> int
type behavior =
  1. | Undefined of undefined_behavior
  2. | Implementation
  3. | Machine
val equal_behavior : behavior -> behavior -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val compare_behavior : behavior -> behavior ->
val hash_behavior : behavior -> int
type integer =
  1. | Overflow
  2. | DivByZero
val equal_integer : integer -> integer -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val compare_integer : integer -> integer ->
val hash_integer : integer -> int
type cast =
  1. | TypeMismatch
val equal_cast : cast -> cast -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val compare_cast : cast -> cast ->
val hash_cast : cast -> int
type category =
  1. | Assert
  2. | Behavior of behavior
  3. | Call
  4. | Integer of integer
  5. | Float
  6. | Race
  7. | Deadlock
  8. | Cast of cast
  9. | Deadcode
  10. | Unknown
  11. | Analyzer
  12. | Unsound
  13. | Imprecise
  14. | Witness
  15. | Program
  16. | Termination
val equal_category : category -> category -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val compare_category : category -> category ->
val hash_category : category -> int
type t = category
val equal : t -> t -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val compare : t -> t ->
val hash : t -> int
module Behavior : sig ... end
module Integer : sig ... end
module Cast : sig ... end
val should_warn : category -> bool
val path_show : category -> string list
val show : category -> string
val behaviorName : behavior -> string
val categoryName : category -> string
val from_string_list : string list -> category
val to_yojson : category -> [> `List of [> `String of string ] list ]
val of_yojson : [> `List of Yojson__Safe.t list ] -> (category, string) Batteries.Result.t