Module MapDomain

Map domains.

module Pretty = GoblintCil.Pretty
module type PS = sig ... end
module type S = sig ... end
module type Bindings = sig ... end

Subsignature of S, which is sufficient for Print.

module Print (D : Printable.S) (R : Printable.S) (M : Bindings with type key = D.t and type value = R.t) : sig ... end

Reusable output definitions for maps.

module type Groupable = sig ... end
module PrintGroupable (D : Groupable) (R : Printable.S) (M : Bindings with type key = D.t and type value = R.t) : sig ... end

Reusable output definitions for maps with key grouping.

module PMap (Domain : Printable.S) (Range : Lattice.S) : PS with type key = Domain.t and type value = Range.t
module HashCached (M : S) : S with type key = M.key and type value = M.value
module HConsed (M : S) : S with type key = M.key and type value = M.value
module Timed (M : S) : S with type key = M.key and type value = M.value
module MapBot (Domain : Printable.S) (Range : Lattice.S) : S with type key = Domain.t and type value = Range.t
module MapTop (Domain : Printable.S) (Range : Lattice.S) : S with type key = Domain.t and type value = Range.t
exception Fn_over_All of string
module LiftTop (Range : Lattice.S) (M : S with type value = Range.t) : S with type key = M.key and type value = Range.t
module MapBot_LiftTop (Domain : Printable.S) (Range : Lattice.S) : S with type key = Domain.t and type value = Range.t
module LiftBot (Range : Lattice.S) (M : S with type value = Range.t) : S with type key = M.key and type value = Range.t
module MapTop_LiftBot (Domain : Printable.S) (Range : Lattice.S) : S with type key = Domain.t and type value = Range.t
module Joined (E : Lattice.S) (R : Lattice.S) : S with type key = E.t and type value = R.t

Map abstracted by a single (joined) key.