Module SLR.Make0

the box solver


module V : Version
module Box : SolverBox.S
module HM : Batteries.Hashtbl.S with type key = S.v


val h_find_option : 'a HM.t -> HM.key -> 'b option
val h_find_default : 'a HM.t -> HM.key -> 'b -> 'c
module X : sig ... end

Helper module for values and priorities.

module XY : sig ... end

Helper module for values of global contributions.

module H : sig ... end

Helper module for priority queues.

module L : sig ... end

Helper module for influence lists.

module P : sig ... end

Helper module for the stable set and global variable setting deps.

module T : sig ... end

Helper module for variable setting deps.

module D : sig ... end

Helper module for the domain.

val infl : HM.key list HM.t
val wpoint : unit HM.t
val restart_mode : int HM.t
val solve : (S.Var.t * S.Dom.t) list -> H.elem list -> S.Dom.t HM.t