Module Goblint_lib.WitnessGhost

Ghost variables for YAML witnesses.

val enabled : unit -> bool
module Var : sig ... end

Ghost variables for YAML witnesses.

include module type of struct include Var end
val equal : Goblint_lib__.WitnessGhostVar.t -> Goblint_lib__.WitnessGhostVar.t -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val compare : Goblint_lib__.WitnessGhostVar.t -> Goblint_lib__.WitnessGhostVar.t ->
val hash : Goblint_lib__.WitnessGhostVar.t -> int
val name_varinfo : Goblint_lib__.WitnessGhostVar.t -> string
val show : Goblint_lib__.WitnessGhostVar.t -> string
include sig ... end
val pretty : unit -> Goblint_lib__.WitnessGhostVar.t -> Printable.Pretty.doc
val printXml : 'a BatInnerIO.output -> Goblint_lib__.WitnessGhostVar.t -> unit
val to_yojson : Goblint_lib__.WitnessGhostVar.t -> [> `String of string ]
val typ : Goblint_lib__.WitnessGhostVar.t -> GoblintCil.typ
val initial : Goblint_lib__.WitnessGhostVar.t -> GoblintCil.exp
module Map : sig ... end
include module type of struct include Map end
type t = Var.t
val to_varinfo : t -> GoblintCil.varinfo
val unmarshal : marshal option -> unit
val marshal : unit -> marshal
val bindings : unit -> (t * GoblintCil.varinfo) list
val from_varinfo : GoblintCil.varinfo -> t option
val mem_varinfo : GoblintCil.varinfo -> bool
val describe_varinfo : GoblintCil.varinfo -> t -> string
val location_update' : node:Node.t -> updates:Goblint_lib__YamlWitnessType.GhostInstrumentation.Update.t list -> YamlWitnessType.GhostInstrumentation.LocationUpdate.t
val instrumentation_entry : task:Goblint_lib__YamlWitnessType.Task.t -> variables:Goblint_lib__YamlWitnessType.GhostInstrumentation.Variable.t list -> location_updates: Goblint_lib__YamlWitnessType.GhostInstrumentation.LocationUpdate.t list -> YamlWitnessType.Entry.t