Widening tokens are a generic and dynamic mechanism for delaying widening.
All abstract elements carry a set of tokens, which analyses can add into. Lifted abstract elements are only widened if the token set does not increase, i.e. adding a widening token delays a widening.
module Token = WideningToken
module TS : sig ... end
Widening token set.
val add_ref : (Token.t -> unit) Stdlib.ref
val add : Token.t -> unit
Add widening token to local state.
val side_tokens : TS.t Stdlib.ref
val with_side_token : TS.elt -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'b
with_side_token t f
adds widening token t
to all side effects in f
val with_side_tokens : TS.t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'b
with_side_tokens ts f
adds widening tokens ts
to all side effects in f
with_local_side_tokens f
adds all widening tokens from local state to all side effects in f
Lift D
to carry widening tokens. All operations delegate to inner domain, except widening tokens are used to delay widenings.
module Lifter (S : Analyses.Spec) : Analyses.Spec
Lift S
to carry widening tokens with both local and global states.