include module type of struct include TID end
include ThreadIdDomain.S with type t = ThreadIdDomain.thread
include Printable.S with type t = ThreadIdDomain.thread
type t = ThreadIdDomain.thread
val hash : t -> int
val show : t -> string
val printXml : 'a BatInnerIO.output -> t -> unit
val to_yojson : t -> Yojson.Safe.t
val tag : t -> int
Unique ID, given by HConsed, for context identification in witness
val arbitrary : unit -> t QCheck.arbitrary
val threadinit : GoblintCil.varinfo -> multiple:bool -> t
val is_main : t -> bool
val is_unique : t -> bool
Overapproximates whether the first TID can be involved in the creation of the second TID
module D = TID.D
include module type of struct include Analyses.StdV end