Module Goblint_lib.ExtractPthread

Promela extraction analysis for Pthread programs (extract-pthread).

class uniqueVarPrinterClass : object ... end
val printer : uniqueVarPrinterClass
type thread_id = int
type thread_name = string
type mutex_id = int
type mutex_name = string
type cond_var_id = int
type cond_var_name = string
type fun_name = string
module Resource : sig ... end
module Action : sig ... end
type node = CilType.Location.t

type of a node in CFG

type edge = node * Action.t * node

type of a single edge in CFG

module Tbls : sig ... end
val promela_main : fun_name
val fun_ctx : IntDomain.Flattened.t -> GoblintCil.Cil.varinfo -> string
module Tasks : sig ... end
module Env : sig ... end
module Edges : sig ... end
module Variable : sig ... end
module Variables : sig ... end
type promela_src = string

promela source code

module Codegen : sig ... end