Module Constraints.FromSpec

The main point of this file---generating a GlobConstrSys from a Spec.


module S : Analyses.Spec
module I : Increment


include ConstrSys.GlobConstrSys with module LVar = Analyses.VarF(S.C) and module GVar = Analyses.GVarF(S.V) and module D = S.D and module G = Analyses.GVarG(S.G)(S.C)
module LVar = Analyses.VarF(S.C)
module GVar = Analyses.GVarF(S.V)
module D = S.D
val system : LVar.t -> ((LVar.t -> D.t) -> (LVar.t -> D.t -> unit) -> (GVar.t -> G.t) -> (GVar.t -> G.t -> unit) -> D.t) option
val iter_vars : (LVar.t -> D.t) -> (GVar.t -> G.t) -> VarQuery.t -> LVar.t VarQuery.f -> GVar.t VarQuery.f -> unit
val sys_change : (LVar.t -> D.t) -> (GVar.t -> G.t) -> [ `L of LVar.t | `G of GVar.t ] ConstrSys.sys_change_info