Module MainFunctor.InvariantEval

module D = D
module V = V
module G = G
val unop_ID : GoblintCil.unop -> ID.t -> ID.t
val unop_FD : GoblintCil.unop -> FD.t -> value
val eval_rv : ctx: ('a, [> `Bot | `Lifted1 of Priv.G.t ], 'b, [> `Left of Priv.V.t ]) Analyses.ctx -> store -> GoblintCil.exp -> value
val eval_rv_address : ctx: ('a, [> `Bot | `Lifted1 of Priv.G.t ], 'b, [> `Left of Priv.V.t ]) Analyses.ctx -> store -> GoblintCil.exp -> VD.t
val eval_lv : ctx: ('a, [> `Bot | `Lifted1 of Priv.G.t ], 'b, [> `Left of Priv.V.t ]) Analyses.ctx -> store -> GoblintCil.lval -> AD.t
val convert_offset : ctx: ('a, [> `Bot | `Lifted1 of Priv.G.t ], 'b, [> `Left of Priv.V.t ]) Analyses.ctx -> store -> GoblintCil.offset -> VD.offs
val get_var : ctx: ('a, [> `Bot | `Lifted1 of Priv.G.t ], 'b, [> `Left of Priv.V.t ]) Analyses.ctx -> store -> GoblintCil.varinfo -> value
val get : ctx: ('a, [> `Bot | `Lifted1 of Priv.G.t ], 'b, [> `Left of Priv.V.t ]) Analyses.ctx -> store -> address -> GoblintCil.exp option -> value
val set : ctx: (store, [> `Bot | `Lifted1 of Priv.G.t ], 'a, [> `Left of Priv.V.t ]) Analyses.ctx -> store -> AD.t -> GoblintCil.Cil.typ -> ?lval_raw:GoblintCil.lval -> value -> store
val refine_entire_var : bool
val map_oldval : 'a -> 'b -> 'c
val eval_rv_lval_refine : ctx: ('a, [> `Bot | `Lifted1 of Priv.G.t ], 'b, [> `Left of Priv.V.t ]) Analyses.ctx -> store -> 'c -> GoblintCil.lval -> value
val id_meet_down : old:ID.t -> c:ID.t -> ID.t
val fd_meet_down : old:FD.t -> c:FD.t -> FD.t
val contra : 'a -> 'b