Module ConstrSys.GlobSolverFromEqSolver

Transforms a GenericEqIncrSolver into a GenericGlobSolver.


module S : GlobConstrSys
module LH : Batteries.Hashtbl.S with type key = S.LVar.t
module GH : Batteries.Hashtbl.S with type key = S.GVar.t


module EqSys : sig ... end
module VH : Batteries.Hashtbl.S with type key = EqSys.v
module Sol' : sig ... end
module Splitter : sig ... end
type marshal = Sol'.marshal
val copy_marshal : Sol'.marshal -> Sol'.marshal
val relift_marshal : Sol'.marshal -> Sol'.marshal
val solve : (S.LVar.t * S.D.t) list -> (S.GVar.t * S.G.t) list -> S.LVar.t list -> Sol'.marshal option -> (S.D.t LH.t * S.G.t GH.t) * Sol'.marshal