Module VectorMatrix.ConvenienceOps

It provides more readable infix operators for the functions of RatOps. It is designed to be included by modules that make use of RatOps's functions.


module A : RatOps


val (*:) : A.t -> A.t -> A.t
val (+:) : A.t -> A.t -> A.t
val (-:) : A.t -> A.t -> A.t
val (/:) : A.t -> A.t -> A.t
val (=:) : A.t -> A.t -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val (<>:) : A.t -> A.t -> bool
val (<:) : A.t -> A.t -> bool
val (>:) : A.t -> A.t -> bool
val (<=:) : A.t -> A.t -> bool
val (>=:) : A.t -> A.t -> bool
val of_int : int -> A.t