Module Goblint_lib.MHP

May-happen-in-parallel (MHP) domain.

include module type of struct include Printable.Std end

Default dummy definitions.

Include as the first thing to avoid these overriding actual definitions.

val tag : 'a -> 'b
val arbitrary : unit -> 'a
val name : unit -> string
module Pretty = GoblintCil.Pretty
val equal : t -> t -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val compare : t -> t ->
val hash : t -> int
val relift : t -> t
val current : Queries.ask -> t
val pretty : unit -> t -> Pretty.doc
include sig ... end
val show : t -> string
val printXml : 'a BatInnerIO.output -> t -> unit
val to_yojson : t -> [> `String of string ]
val definitely_not_started : (TID.t * ConcDomain.ThreadSet.t) -> TID.t -> bool

Can it be excluded that the thread tid2 is running at a program point where

val exists_definitely_not_started_in_joined : (TID.t * ConcDomain.ThreadSet.t) -> ConcDomain.ThreadSet.t -> bool
val must_be_joined : ConcDomain.ThreadSet.elt -> ConcDomain.ThreadSet.t -> bool

Must the thread with thread id other be already joined

val may_happen_in_parallel : t -> t -> bool

May two program points with respective MHP information happen in parallel