Lift D
to a non-reduced product with box. Both are updated in parallel, but D
answers to queries. Box domain is used to filter out non-relational invariants for output.
module BoxD : sig ... end
include sig ... end
val hash : ('a * D.t) -> int
val is_top : ('a * D.t) -> bool
val is_bot : ('a * D.t) -> bool
val top_env : GobApron.Environment.t -> BoxD.Man.mt A.t * D.t
val bot_env : GobApron.Environment.t -> BoxD.Man.mt A.t * D.t
val is_top_env : ('a * D.t) -> bool
val is_bot_env : ('a * D.t) -> bool
type marshal = BoxD.marshal * D.marshal
val marshal : (BoxD.t * D.t) -> BoxD.marshal * D.marshal
val unmarshal : (BoxD.marshal * D.marshal) -> BoxD.t * D.t
val mem_var : ('a * D.t) -> GobApron.Var.t -> bool
val vars : ('a * D.t) -> GobApron.Var.t list
val add_vars_with : (BoxD.Man.mt A.t * D.t) -> GobApron.Var.t list -> unit
val remove_vars_with : (BoxD.t * D.t) -> GobApron.Var.t list -> unit
val remove_filter_with : (BoxD.t * D.t) -> (GobApron.Var.t -> bool) -> unit
val keep_filter_with :
(BoxD.Man.mt A.t * D.t) ->
(GobApron.Var.t -> bool) ->
val keep_vars_with : (BoxD.Man.mt A.t * D.t) -> GobApron.Var.t list -> unit
val forget_vars_with : (BoxD.Man.mt A.t * D.t) -> GobApron.Var.t list -> unit
val assign_exp_with :
Queries.ask ->
(BoxD.Bounds.t * D.t) ->
GobApron.Var.t ->
GoblintCil.Cil.exp ->
bool Stdlib.Lazy.t ->
val assign_exp_parallel_with :
Queries.ask ->
(BoxD.Man.mt A.t * D.t) ->
(GobApron.Var.t * GoblintCil.exp) list ->
bool ->
val assign_var_with :
(BoxD.Man.mt A.t * D.t) ->
GobApron.Var.t ->
GobApron.Var.t ->
val assign_var_parallel_with :
(BoxD.t * D.t) ->
(GobApron.Var.t * GobApron.Var.t) list ->
val assign_var_parallel' :
(BoxD.t * D.t) ->
GobApron.Var.t list ->
GobApron.Var.t list ->
BoxD.t * D.t
val substitute_exp_with :
Queries.ask ->
(BoxD.Bounds.t * D.t) ->
GobApron.Var.t ->
GoblintCil.Cil.exp ->
bool Stdlib.Lazy.t ->
val substitute_exp_parallel_with :
Queries.ask ->
(BoxD.Man.mt A.t * D.t) ->
(GobApron.Var.t * GoblintCil.exp) list ->
bool Stdlib.Lazy.t ->
val substitute_var_with :
(BoxD.Man.mt A.t * D.t) ->
GobApron.Var.t ->
GobApron.Var.t ->
val meet_tcons :
Queries.ask ->
(BoxD.Man.mt A.t * D.t) ->
GobApron.Tcons1.t ->
GoblintCil.exp ->
BoxD.Man.mt A.t * D.t
val to_lincons_array : ('a * D.t) -> GobApron.Lincons1.earray
val of_lincons_array : GobApron.Lincons1.earray -> BoxD.Man.mt A.t * D.t
val cil_exp_of_lincons1 : GobApron.Lincons1.t -> GoblintCil.exp option
val assert_inv :
Queries.ask ->
(BoxD.t * D.t) ->
GoblintCil.exp ->
bool ->
bool Stdlib.Lazy.t ->
BoxD.t * D.t
val eval_int :
Queries.ask ->
('a * D.t) ->
GoblintCil.exp ->
bool Stdlib.Lazy.t ->
val invariant : (BoxD.Man.mt A.t * D.t) -> GobApron.Lincons1Set.elt list