Module AffineEqualityDomain.VarManagement

It defines the type t of the affine equality domain (a struct that contains an optional matrix and an apron environment) and provides the functions needed for handling variables (which are defined by RelationDomain.D2) such as add_vars remove_vars. Furthermore, it provides the function get_coeff_vec that parses an apron expression into a vector of coefficients if the apron expression has an affine form.



module Vector : sig ... end
module Matrix : sig ... end
val dim_add : Apron.Dim.change -> Matrix.t -> Matrix.t
include sig ... end
type t = {
  1. mutable d : AffineEqualityMatrix(Vec)(Mx).t option;
  2. mutable env : GobApron.Environment.t;
val equal : t -> t -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val compare : t -> t ->
val hash : t -> int
val empty_env : GobApron.Environment.t
val bot : unit -> t
val get_env : t -> GobApron.Environment.t
val bot_env : t
val is_bot_env : t -> bool
val copy : t -> t
val change_d : t -> GobApron.Environment.t -> add:bool -> del:bool -> t
val vars : t -> Apron.Var.t list
val add_vars : t -> Apron.Var.t list -> t
val drop_vars : t -> Apron.Var.t list -> del:bool -> t
val remove_vars : t -> Apron.Var.t list -> t
val remove_vars_with : t -> Apron.Var.t list -> unit
val remove_filter : t -> (Apron.Var.t -> bool) -> t
val remove_filter_with : t -> (Apron.Var.t -> bool) -> unit
val keep_filter : t -> (Apron.Var.t -> bool) -> t
val keep_vars : t -> Apron.Var.t list -> t
val mem_var : t -> Apron.Var.t -> bool
include sig ... end
val (*:) : Mpqf.t -> Mpqf.t -> Mpqf.t
val (+:) : Mpqf.t -> Mpqf.t -> Mpqf.t
val (-:) : Mpqf.t -> Mpqf.t -> Mpqf.t
val (/:) : Mpqf.t -> Mpqf.t -> Mpqf.t
val (=:) : Mpqf.t -> Mpqf.t -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val (<>:) : Mpqf.t -> Mpqf.t -> bool
val (<:) : Mpqf.t -> Mpqf.t -> bool
val (>:) : Mpqf.t -> Mpqf.t -> bool
val (<=:) : Mpqf.t -> Mpqf.t -> bool
val (>=:) : Mpqf.t -> Mpqf.t -> bool
val of_int : int -> Mpqf.t
val to_constant_opt : Vector.t -> Mpqf.t option

Get the constant from the vector if it is a constant

val get_coeff_vec : t -> Apron.Texpr1.expr -> Vector.t option